Life could be daunting and confusing, and you don't know
what way to go, Jesus is the way that leads to peace and rest of mind. In Rehoboth the Lord has made room for you. You are Welcome!
It is with great joy and thanks to God that I am seizing this opportunity to welcome you to Rehoboth Christian Centre Chorley's website. On here we have presented what you can connect with to understand a bit of who we are. However, because you are very significant to the most high God and to us the Rehoboth family, we look forward to having you as part of the family. We look at the living word of God from the bible and engage in life transforming prayers and teachings. God bless you.
--Pst Prince--

You are created and made by God. As such, you are very loved by Him. He desires you and wishes you could yield to His love

fallen away from God due to the entrance of sin. Therefore, regarded as sinful and unqualified for righteousness neither can you inherit God's promises


Been bought with a price. The death of Jesus on the Cross paid for the sins of men. His ressurrection and ascension gave vistory over sin. So you now have a hope in God and in His promises.

You just need to confess that you are a sinner and asked Jesus to forgive you and be your Lord and Saviour. Then believe in your heart that you have been saved

A Prayer to Start your Journey
Dear Lord, thank you for loving me so much and still cares about me. I am sorry I haven't been living for you but rather living in my own way and on my own terms, which is against your will for my life. thank you for sending your son Jesus to die for my sins. Thank you Lord Jesus for paying the price of sin for me. Today I confess you are my Lord and Saviour and I choose to start living for you, doing your will through the power of your Holyspirit, in Jesus name, Amen.
If you just said the prayer, could you click here to get in touch with us. Congrats and God bless you!



We travail in the place of prayer for the land and our world. We specifically have our daily prayers and our voluntary 365 days of prayer chain. If you would like to be prayed for or get involved, please click here



Mapping their path in the ways of the Lord and allowing the Holyspirit to build them into godly men and women of our future


We outreach our Chorley town with the love, Joy and gospel of Jesus Christ, bringing the unsaved to the saving power of the Holyspirit. Chorley is for Jesus Christ

We touch lives for the Lord in so many ways. If you wish to give towards what we do for the Lord, you can do this via the following means
Sort Code: 77-56-03
Account No: 12269868
Bank: TSB
If you wish you could have given more, then that is also possible with the gift aiding system. Just use this button and complete the form. Thank you

As a part of the work the Lord is using us to do in the town of Chorley, we bring the Joy of the Lord through dance, worship and music. This happens every forth night. Although it is currently on hold due to the covid situation. Feel free to join us when we are back again in the town centre of Chorley to spread the joy and good news of the Lord. God bless

Welcome to RCCG Rehoboth Church Chorley website. Its good you stopped by today.
We trust your day is going as planned but peradventure you have not had a good day/night we bring you good news that Jesus said come unto me all you who have burden, heavy ones and I will give you rest.
We also want to encourage you to please reach out to us and it will be our pleasure to be the physical hands of Jesus in reaching out to your needs both physical and spiritual by the help of the Holy Spirit
click here to request for Christmas food parcel
Our Church is located at the Lyons Lane Independent Methodist Church, PR6 0PJ. We meet here every Sunday 10:30am and we meet online every Wednesday 6:30pm. It will be great to see you one of these days either physically or online. You can reach out to us via 07551031238 and admin@rccgrehobothchorley.org or via our Facebook or Intergram pages
Jesus loves you and so do we.
God bless